We have compiled the list of original news websites in Zimbabwe by their monthly traffic. The table below shows the traffic the websites had in October 2019.

The Herald had the most traffic in October with 1.7 million visits. It was followed by NewsDay which had 1.2 million visits. Third was NewZimbabwe with 0.9 million visits.

WebsiteOctober Visits


  • The data is as supplied by similarweb.com which is a fairly reliable source for website statistics.
  • Some of the visit figures are estimates, for example, NewZimbabwe.com, ZimLive.com, Chronicle.co.zw. Figures that are rounded off to the nearest thousand are typically estimates.
  • Other figures, like the one for Herald.co.zw and NewsDay.co.zw are actual Google Analytics sourced figures, which make them more accurate.
  • Our experience is that sometimes the estimated figures are off by some margin. Without any other data available, these figures remain the only idea of the traffic of the websites.
  • We only listed the top 10. For the rest of the websites that you don’t see here, you can open the source spreadsheet here.
  • A Visit is what happens when a reader (visitor) comes to a website and opens at least one page. A Visit should not be confused with a Visitor, as one visitor can make more than one visit. A visit should also not be confused with a Pageview as one visit can result in multiple Pageviews.  Visits are also referred to as “Sessions” in some analytics applications like Google Analytics.
  • It is possible for website A to have lower monthly Visits than website B and yet have more monthly Pageviews. This would happen if website A has more Pages per visit than website B.

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